Every time you make a purchase by clicking on a vendor at, we donate the percentage of the purchase listed next to each merchant to the Group or Organization of your choice. We like to refer to this donation, which is Real Money, as RecessMoney - So Browse, Shop and Earn Your Organization's RecessMoney!
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As the father of five children, with 19 nieces and nephews, the fundraising for schools, church, sports and social organizations never seemed to end...(Read more!)
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Remember the daily announcements at school? Well no reason to wait for someone to tell you what's going on - the latest news, sports, weather and financial news is always available here and without the static of the loudspeaker Click Here
Recess Yard
Sometimes you can learn just as much outside the classroom as inside it. Check out our links to great educational games and have some fun as you learn. Looking for help with a certain subject - we also have links to educational resources. All the fun without scraped knees!
Check it out
Google The Web Recess Money
Teacher's Desk
In the classroom everything the teacher needed was kept at her desk, nicely organized. We learned a thing or two from our teachers by arranging our merchants by category, nice and neat, so you can start raising money now for your group, right at the TeachersDesk!
Having trouble finding a specific store? Reference our alphabetical listing of all our merchants, or do a little more research and find the store that gives your group the most money back! Either way when you find what you are looking for go ahead and shout, no one here will say "SHHHHHHHH"
FieldTrip Travel
Remember when the only thing that was better than a field trip was the day off from school? We are putting that excitement back into travel. We offer a complete, full service travel resource where you can earn 2 1/2% for your organization on most travel services. Book online or call and talk live with a professional travel representative
Remember when you could really use an extra point or two because that surprise quiz actually surprised you? Well no studying required here - just click for a list of merchants that offer extra rewards for you or your group! Check out these limited time offers and give yourself a star!

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